

The son of human Meredith Quill and Spartoi J'son, Peter Quill assumes the mantle of Star-Lord, an interplanetary policeman. Star-Lord. Textless variant cover ... J'son (character) · Marvel Preview · Steve Englehart · The Thanos Impera

J'son (character)

J'son is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is the father of Star-Lord and Victoria (a Captain from Spartax ...


Star-Lord ; Real Name: Peter Jason Quill ; Role: Duelist ; Release Date: 2024-12-06 ; Health: 250 ; Movespeed: 6 m/s.

Star-Lord | Marvel Games Wiki

Family · J'Son - Father · Meredith Quill † - Mother · Yondu Udonta - Adoptive Father, Former Leader, Former Teammate ...

J'son (Earth-616) - Marvel Database

J'son was the ruler of the planet Spartax and the Spartax Empire, until he was overthrown by the actions of his estranged son, Peter Quill.

Peter Quill | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

Peter Quill, also called Star-Lord (Peter Quill), is the fourth episode of the second season of Legends. Peter Quill was released prior to ...

Ego | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

Ego was a Celestial, a primordial and powerful being, and the biological father of Peter Quill and Mantis. A living planet with a humanoid extension of ...


Relatives: J'son (father). Status Information. Character type: Playable Character Role: Duelist Health: 250. Difficulty: 2. Affiliation ...


Peter Quill lives to dazzle his foes on the battlefield with his signature swagger. As his element guns paint arcs of devastation, his acrobatic moves sail ...

Guardians of the Galaxy: Who is Peter Quill's Real Father?

Star-Lord was originally the son of King J'son of Spartax. However, J'son had a complex, contradictory history before he was drastically re-envisioned.


ThesonofhumanMeredithQuillandSpartoiJ'son,PeterQuillassumesthemantleofStar-Lord,aninterplanetarypoliceman.Star-Lord.Textlessvariantcover ...J'son(character)·MarvelPreview·SteveEnglehart·TheThanosImpera,J'sonisafictionalcharacterappearinginAmericancomicbookspublishedbyMarvelComics.HeisthefatherofStar-LordandVictoria(aCaptainfromSpartax ...,Star-Lord;RealName:PeterJasonQuill;Role:Duelist;Release...